About Us

From the moment customers walk threw the door they are greeted by the lovely aroma of the pastries cooking that are made in store fresh daily as well as out succulent range of cooked meats. Our shop is filled with all sorts of produce such as the award winning cheeses from Hayfields Dairy and award winning Jams from Mrs Darlington's that make it unique. With the hassle that we make in store and the award winning sausages made in natural skins. Not to mention the friendly and highly trained staff and the continuous support of local farmers such as Steve Elsmore who supplies us supreme local lambs in addition to purchasing local pigs and cattle from the Market Drayton cattle market.




In 1989 Scott Shepley purchases Northerns Butchers 61 Shrewsbury road Market Drayton. Now over 30 years later of hard work and dedication the butcher shop has an excellent reputation for it's high quality local meats, pastries and dairy produce. 







If you have any questions please feel free to fill in the contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.